Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Upping Prozac

The new strategy was to raise the dosage of Prozac to a level that has shown success in dealing with obsessive compulsive tendencies.  Seemed like a good strategy.  So we started off down that new path.  We knew that the effect of any new dosage level would take about 10 days to reveal itself.  As always, we remained hopeful.

Sure enough within 10 days - pretty much as expected - we saw the new outcome.  And it wasn't pretty.  The behavior showed distinct similarities to those of my son's reactions while on the anti-psychotics.  The total self-involvement, the persiverating, the sleeplessness.  So we brought the level back down.  While the behaviors subsided somewhat they did not return to even the manageable level of madness previously experienced.

New and exciting obsessions started, constant bathing, for instance.  Constant clothes changing. 

It was therefore decided to get off the Prozac entirely.  And so another set of bottles of various dosages of a drugs goes into storage.

That basically brings us to now.  We are letting the Prozac go, waiting for it to subside in the bloodstream.  The plan is to switch to Fluvoxamine - a drug more typically associated with treatment of OCD and depression but specifically OCD.

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