Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Strange Turn of Events

We had an MRI for my son last week and just got the results.  The neurologist noticed some old brain damage on the left side of my son's brain.  He was quick to state that this was old and likely unrelated to what we are seeing now but that it was unexpected.  He said it explained why my son is left handed and maybe (emphasis on maybe) why he has a low IQ.  He said he needs to think about it some more and will get the entire image CD to review it. Then he wants to see us and my son and maybe test and see if my son ever had a stroke (!) and has any issues obviously related to this damage (motor issues, specifically).  
As far as medications go, my son continues to take the 45mg of Remeron at night and 600 mg of Neurontin 3 times a day.  The only thing that seems to be true is that he sleeps at night (although certain major events may disturb that sleep - e.g. going back to school, arrival of my Mother).  Aside from that he continues to perseverate and rarely engage in conversation.  We have had a few violent outbursts (about 3 or 4) over the past few weeks.  In my mind, we have seen no benefit from this regimen of medications - save for the sleeping at night (granted, a great thing - but not the home run we would like to see)
So...brain solution. solution.  At best we have some fodder for medical papers but still no sign of my son.

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