Thursday, November 3, 2011

Next Up: Remeron

We decided that Effexor was not being helpful so we switched to Remeron a couple of days ago.  It was hoped that its sedating effect would be beneficial and allow my son to sleep at night.  So we start - 15mg - once at night while tailing off on the Effexor.

Day 1 (37.5mg Effexor in the AM) My son slept relatively well a couple of hours after having his Remeron dosage. He woke up around 6am.

Day 2 (0mg Effexor in the AM) My son slept relatively well a couple of hours after having his Remeron dosage. He was awoken by me at 7am to go to school.

Day 3 (0mg Effexor in the AM) My son is still awake 3 hours after his Remeron dosage and seems pretty alert.  Seems like its going to be a long night for him.

His behavior all days has been pretty much the same. Constant talking to himself (the usual phrases repeated - now in a short form "I's been like that...relax...I'm scared..." and steady pacing. He seems to have a need for removing his clothes when he's at home. He eats well and still quite messily. There is still no conversation but he still responds to verbal commands.

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